Best Universities for PhD Programs in Norway: Full Scholarships, Eligibility, and More


Are you considering pursuing a PhD program in Norway? Norway is known for its excellent education system and offers a wide range of opportunities for students looking to further their research and academic careers. In this article, we will explore the best universities for PhD programs in Norway, the availability of full scholarships, and the eligibility criteria for aspiring candidates.

Top Universities for PhD Programs in Norway

Norway is home to several prestigious universities that offer world-class PhD programs. Here are some of the top universities you should consider:

1. University of Oslo

The University of Oslo is Norway’s largest and oldest university, renowned for its research and academic excellence. It offers a wide range of PhD programs across various disciplines, including humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and more.

2. Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

NTNU is a leading technical university in Norway and offers a diverse range of PhD programs in fields such as engineering, technology, natural sciences, and architecture. It is known for its strong focus on research and innovation.

3. University of Bergen

The University of Bergen is one of Norway’s premier research universities, offering a range of PhD programs in areas such as social sciences, humanities, natural sciences, and medicine. It is known for its interdisciplinary approach to research.

4. University of Tromsø

The University of Tromsø, also known as the Arctic University of Norway, is located in the northernmost part of the country. It offers unique research opportunities in fields such as Arctic studies, indigenous studies, and marine sciences.

Full Scholarships for PhD Programs in Norway

One of the biggest advantages of pursuing a PhD program in Norway is the availability of full scholarships for international students. These scholarships cover tuition fees and provide a monthly stipend to cover living expenses. Here are some scholarship options:

1. Norwegian Government Scholarships

The Norwegian government offers scholarships to international students through the Quota Scheme. These scholarships are available for students from certain countries and cover the full cost of tuition fees and provide a monthly living allowance.

2. Research Council of Norway Scholarships

The Research Council of Norway offers scholarships for international students who wish to pursue research in specific areas. These scholarships are highly competitive and provide full funding for the duration of the PhD program.

3. University-specific Scholarships

Many universities in Norway offer their own scholarships for international PhD students. These scholarships may be funded by the university or external organizations and provide full financial support for the duration of the program.

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Eligibility Criteria for PhD Programs in Norway

While specific eligibility criteria may vary depending on the university and program, here are some general requirements for PhD programs in Norway:

  • A relevant master’s degree or equivalent
  • A strong academic record
  • A research proposal outlining your intended research topic
  • Proficiency in English (most programs require a minimum score in English language tests such as TOEFL or IELTS)

It is important to note that admission to PhD programs in Norway is highly competitive, and meeting the minimum eligibility criteria does not guarantee acceptance. Strong research experience, recommendation letters, and a well-crafted research proposal are also important factors considered by the selection committees.


Pursuing a PhD program in Norway can be a rewarding experience, with access to top-notch universities, full scholarships, and a supportive research environment. Consider the universities mentioned in this article, explore the available scholarship options, and ensure you meet the eligibility criteria before applying. Good luck with your academic journey!

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