Top 10 Universities in Yemen:Details


Yemen, a country located in the Middle East, is home to several prestigious universities that offer a wide range of academic programs. Whether you are a local student or an international student considering studying in Yemen, this article will provide you with a comprehensive list of the top 10 universities in the country, along with key details and official website addresses.

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List of Top 10 Universities in Yemen

Rank University Official Website
1 University of Sana’a
2 Aden University
3 Taiz University
4 Hodeidah University
5 Hadramout University
6 Ibb University
7 Al-Bayda University
8 Dhamar University
9 University of Science and Technology
10 University of Aden

Key Details of the Top 10 Universities

1. University of Sana’a

The University of Sana’a, established in 1970, is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Yemen. It offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields of study.

2. Aden University

Aden University, founded in 1996, is located in the city of Aden. It is known for its excellent academic programs and research facilities.

3. Taiz University

Taiz University, established in 1993, is located in the city of Taiz. It is renowned for its strong emphasis on scientific research and its commitment to academic excellence.

4. Hodeidah University

Hodeidah University, founded in 1996, is located in the city of Hodeidah. It offers a wide range of programs in various disciplines, including humanities, sciences, and engineering.

5. Hadramout University

Hadramout University, established in 1993, is located in the city of Mukalla. It is known for its high-quality education and research opportunities.

6. Ibb University

Ibb University, founded in 1996, is located in the city of Ibb. It offers a diverse range of academic programs and is committed to promoting research and innovation.

7. Al-Bayda University

Al-Bayda University, established in 1993, is located in the city of Al-Bayda. It is known for its strong focus on community engagement and its contribution to the development of the region.

8. Dhamar University

Dhamar University, founded in 1996, is located in the city of Dhamar. It offers a wide range of academic programs and is committed to providing a high-quality education to its students.

9. University of Science and Technology

The University of Science and Technology, founded in 1994, is located in the city of Sana’a. It is known for its strong emphasis on scientific research and its state-of-the-art facilities.

10. University of Aden

The University of Aden, established in 1975, is located in the city of Aden. It offers a wide range of academic programs and is known for its commitment to excellence in teaching and research.


Yemen is home to several esteemed universities that offer diverse academic programs and research opportunities. Whether you are a local student or an international student considering studying in Yemen, the top 10 universities listed in this article can serve as a valuable resource in making an informed decision about your educational journey.

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